Ezra Thomson. Photo by Linsday Thomas.

Ezra Thomson is from San Bernardino, California. He studied on scholarship at Riverside Ballet Arts, Orlando Ballet School, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School and attended summer courses at Pacific Northwest Ballet School, the School of American Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, National Ballet School (Canada), the Rock School, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, and Burklyn Ballet Theatre. Mr. Thomson was a 2009 recipient of the Flemming Halby Exchange with the Royal Danish Ballet School. He danced with Orlando Ballet before joining Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2009. He was promoted to corps de ballet in 2010.

Ezra is creating his sixth work for PNB’s NEXT STEP, a one-night-only performance for PNBS Professional Division students in an all-premiere line up created by PNB Company members. One of the most fun performances all season long, NEXT STEP is your chance to cheer the next generation of dancers and dance-makers.

What motivated you to choreograph this year?

This not my first time choreographing. This will be my 6th NEXT STEP piece. I participate in NEXT STEP every year because I could never pass up a chance to choreograph.

What ideas inspired you this year for NEXT STEP?

This year for NEXT STEP, I was very inspired by Wes Anderson and Roald Dahl. Though this may not be apparent to the viewers, it gave me the momentum to start this piece.

Have you thought of a title for your NEXT STEP piece?

The title for my piece this year is “Measure Twice, Cut Once.”

Do you see choreography as a future career?

I really hope so. I’m giving everything I’ve got. I really enjoy creating dance and telling stories, and I’ll continue to do so for as long as I can.

Is there a past/current choreographer that you admire?

If you were/are a choreographer I admire you. It not an easy thing to be. Whether it is Balanchine, Ekman, Duato, Kylian, Pite, or Robbins there is something to learn and take away from every single one.

See works by Ezra Thomson on his website.

Featured photo: Ezra Thomson rehearsing for Petite Mort. Photo by Lindsay Thomas; choreography by Jiri Kylian. Photos: Ezra Thomson in In The Middle, Somewhat Elevated. Photo by Lindsay Thomas; choreography by William Forsythe.
Ezra Thomson and Jahna Frantziskonis in New Suite. Photo by Angela Sterling; choreography by William Forsythe.