PNB School Auditions

PNB School Auditions

PNB School Auditions
for the 2024-25 School Year

Saturday, August 3, 2024
The Francia Russell Center
1611 136th Pl NE
Bellevue, WA 98005

11:30am, ages 8-12
1:00pm, ages 13-18*

*Students ages 12-18 should be at a stage of technical advancement proportionate to their age and have the physical qualifications suited to the demands of classical dance. Twelve-year-olds should be dancing at least 4 days per week and must already be training on pointe.

To Register

Please bring completed REGISTRATION FORM and $45 Audition Fee to the audition. Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the audition. No head shots or resumes required.

What to Bring

  • Audition apparel:
    • Female-identifying students: a solid-colored leotard, flesh-colored or pink tights (students should choose the color which is closest to their natural skin tone or the color in which they feel most comfortable), and technique shoes. Students on pointe should also bring pointe shoes to the audition. Technique and pointe shoes should align with the color of the tights.
    • Male-identifying students: short-sleeved white leotard or a white fitted dance t-shirt; black or gray tights, White thin plain ankle socks, technique shoes.
  • Facemasks are optional for all students.

Apply for the Professional Division

Step 1: Attend Summer Course or Submit Video Links.

Students interested in the Professional Division will be considered for the program in one of two ways:

  • Attend the 2024 Summer Course. Students attending PNB School’s Summer Course will have priority.
  • Students not attending the 2024 Summer Course must submit 3 recent videos, including 10 minutes of classwork, 1 classical variation, and 1 contemporary variation. All video links should be submitted to Video links are due by June 30. YouTube or Vimeo are preferred video formats. No DVD’s accepted. There is no fee to apply for the Professional Division.

Step 2: Complete and Submit the Written Application for the 2024-25 School year.

Students attending Summer Course in Levels VII, VIII, and Advanced Men will automatically receive an application for the 2024-25 Professional Division when Summer Course paperwork is sent late April. Written applications are due July 1st.

Students who apply via video will be invited to submit a written application only if they pass the video audition.

Notification of Acceptance to the Professional Division

Those invited to the year round program will be notified by the end of the Summer Course. We generally advise students 16 or younger not to move to Seattle unless a family member is relocating with them. No housing is available during the school year, and students must make their own arrangements for housing and completion of high school courses. Please email Denise Bolstad if you are interested:

PNB’s Audition Tour & Summer Course are generously sponsored by:

2024 Summer Course Audition Tour

Auditions for the 2024 Summer Course have concluded. Information on the 2025 Summer Audition Tour will be available in the fall of 2024.