Q&A with Apprentice Larry Lancaster

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance? My passions and talents outside of dance are music, fashion, and poetry. Despite dance being my main focus, as a person, I see myself as an all-encompassing artist. I have been passionate about music all my life, and my main focuses before ballet were playing the piano and musical theater.

2023-06-13T11:48:38-07:00June 11th, 2023|Categories: Dancers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Q&A with Apprentice Larry Lancaster

Meet the 2022/23 Season Apprentices

Welcome PNB’s 2022/23 Season Apprentices!

This season, PNB is excited to promote five PNB School Professional Division students into the Company as Apprentices. Get to know these dancers in their brief interviews below. Learn what they’re looking forward to in PNB’s 50th Anniversary Season, the best advice they’ve received, and more, and help us welcome Luca […]

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