Mark Zappone on Designing the Costumes for Bacchus

Costume designer Mark Zappone has created many costumes over the years for PNB, including for Matthew Neenan’s Bacchus. Peek behind the scenes with us today on the PNB Blog as Mark explains how he created these delightful costumes!

2024-03-15T09:44:16-07:00March 14th, 2024|Categories: Performances, PNB Wardrobe, Q&A with Dancers, Choreographers & Staff|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Mark Zappone on Designing the Costumes for Bacchus

About Costume Designer Mark Zappone: “Follow Your Curiosity”

Mark Zappone has designed over 30 costumes for PNB, and he’s worked on many more productions for choreographers like Twyla Tharp, Christopher Wheeldon, and Yuri Possokhov. But Mark didn’t start his career designing costumes for dance. Mark became the accomplished ballet costume designer he is today by following his curiosity and saying “yes” to new opportunities.

2024-03-14T15:41:56-07:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: Life at PNB, PNB Wardrobe, Q&A with Dancers, Choreographers & Staff|Tags: , , |Comments Off on About Costume Designer Mark Zappone: “Follow Your Curiosity”

Learn about Swan Lake Costume Designer Paul Tazewell

Born and raised in Akron, Ohio, costume designer Paul Tazewell was interested in theater and performance as early as second grade. Now, he's at the top of his career with Tony and Emmy awards. Paul designed the costumes for Hamilton, West Side Story, and PNB's very own Swan Lake! Read more about him and his process here.

2023-12-29T10:18:38-08:00December 29th, 2023|Categories: Performances, PNB Wardrobe|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Learn about Swan Lake Costume Designer Paul Tazewell

Nutcracker Costumes Close-Up Game

Each Nutcracker costume is full of delicious details! Some ballet fans might feel they know this holiday classic like the back of their hand. Well, today on the blog, we're here to test that knowledge! Can you identify these seven Nutcracker costumes by their close-up photos?

2023-12-07T13:11:51-08:00December 7th, 2023|Categories: Performances, PNB Wardrobe, The Nutcracker|Tags: , |Comments Off on Nutcracker Costumes Close-Up Game

Nutcracker by the Numbers: 12 Festive Facts about PNB’s Nutcracker Costumes

PNB’s production of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® is an impressive feat of costume design. Ian Falconer and the rest of the creative team poured whimsy and cheer into every detail of the show, from the whiskers of the Mice to the jewels on Coffee’s crown. Dive into the details of PNB’s costumes for George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® with these 12 fascinating facts!

2023-11-27T14:03:18-08:00November 27th, 2023|Categories: PNB Wardrobe, The Nutcracker|Tags: , |Comments Off on Nutcracker by the Numbers: 12 Festive Facts about PNB’s Nutcracker Costumes

Best of the PNB Blog

We cover a lot of different things here on the PNB Blog ranging from dancer announcements, behind the scenes peeks at our rehearsals, tours, and costume shop, fun facts about PNB repertoire, and our tips for visiting us with kids and making the most of PNB's Summer Course. That's a ton to scroll through! We've done the work for you and rounded up our Top 5 blogs posts to get you started.

Answering Nutcracker FAQs

Answering Nutcracker FAQs

WE’RE GLAD YOU ASKED! A random sampling of ballet FAQs

Aren’t all Nutcracker productions pretty much the same?

Not at all! There is probably no another ballet that has been performed so many times, in so many different ways. From […]

2022-11-02T11:45:31-07:00December 6th, 2018|Categories: Dancing at Home, Life at PNB, PNB School, PNB Wardrobe|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Answering Nutcracker FAQs

Roméo et Juliette Timeline

In late January 2008, PNB became the first American company to perform Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Roméo et Juliette, with costumes and sets rented from Maillot’s Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo. In early 2012, PNB’s costume shop, under the direction of Larae Hascall, shop manager since 1987, began building the Company’s own production.  The inspiration for PNB’s first performance […]

Wardrobe: Types of Tutus

I am sure you have realized, but PNB is honored to have one of the best Wardrobe Departments in the business. Each morning I pass by the Costume Shop. I am fascinated to see the repairs and constructions for the upcoming PNB performances.

At the beginning of the season when I first […]

Wardrobe: Tharp’s Waiting at the Station

As Pacific Northwest Ballet’s dancers, artists, crew, orchestra, costume shop and the rest of the PNB family prepare for the final weekend of the 2015/16 Season, I wanted to share with you a few of the incredible sketches by Costume Designer, Santo Loquasto for Twyla Tharp’s Waiting at the Station.

2016-06-08T12:00:32-07:00June 8th, 2016|Categories: Performances, PNB Wardrobe|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Wardrobe: Tharp’s Waiting at the Station
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