Q&A with Corps Member Luther DeMyer

What are your favorite Seattle haunts? It has been amazing discovering all of the great restaurants, bars, and coffee shops that Seattle has to offer, since moving here. Some of my favorites include, Kedai Makan, Momiji, Toulouse Petit, Sal y Limon, Streamline Tavern, Bathtub Gin, and Evoke Espresso.

2023-05-10T14:27:45-07:00April 26th, 2023|Categories: Dancers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Q&A with Corps Member Luther DeMyer

Q&A with Corps Member Abby Jayne DeAngelo

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance? I have studied music since I was a young girl and I play the piano and the harp. Music is a huge part of who I am and partially why I love dancing so much. George Balanchine famously said “see the music, hear the dance,” and I resonate with this very much, as dance and music are heavily intertwined in my daily life.

2023-04-27T11:46:55-07:00April 24th, 2023|Categories: Dancers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Q&A with Corps Member Abby Jayne DeAngelo

Q&A with Corps Member Ryan Cardea

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance? I'm a big NY sports fan, which has not been easy over the past decade. Really hoping the Yankees can win their 28th World Series title while we at PNB celebrate our 50th anniversary. If the Yankees come up short again, go Mariners I guess…

2023-04-27T11:28:55-07:00April 20th, 2023|Categories: Dancers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Q&A with Corps Member Ryan Cardea

Q&A with Soloist Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance? Acting and karate (Kenpo) are two of my favorites. I find they’re helpful in dance as well. Acting helps with the storytelling we convey in ballets. The moves I learn in karate often feel like picking up combinations in class.

2023-04-13T13:58:32-07:00April 13th, 2023|Categories: Dancers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Q&A with Soloist Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan
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